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September 14, 2004General Server News
You may have noticed the server has been down a lot lately. Unfortunately the sever had to undergo some maintenance this last week. As far as I know the maintenance window should be all over. So hopefully you should see the server stay up for quite some time now.(keeping my fingers crossed)
September 10, 2004General Server News
The server was restored at around 3PM central standard time.

News Archives September 9, 2004General Server News
The server will be temporarily down. I hope to have it back up and running sometime Friday. Sorry for any inconvenience.

September 8, 2004Old School Fun News
I banned two IP ranges that I think were causing most of the Server crashes. Old School Fun hasn't crashed since I banned these two IP ranges. I'm going to keep monitoring things and see what happens. I'll keep everyone posted as news becomes available.

September 8, 2004General Server News
The server was restored at about 11:40AM Central Standard time. At that point old school fun was also put back into service. As far as I know, everything should be back to normal. If you think something might not be right, e-mail me at cubeboy@cubeboy.com.

September 7, 2004General Server News
The server will be down tonight. We are updating the firmware on the router. I'll keep you posted on when the server gets back on-line.

August 30, 2004Old School Fun News
I think I found some good clues that will help keep Old School Fun from crashing so often. This may take time to perfect, but I'm hoping these clues are the clues I've been looking for this whole time. I'll keep everyone posted when I find more info.

August 17, 2004Old School Fun News
A little status on the server for the last few days. The server crashed Friday night, and I wasn't able to restart the server remotely. So unfortunately, I wasn't able to restore the server over the weekend. I was able to restore it Monday morning. The building had a power surge Tuesday morning, so the server went down this morning, but I was able to restore it once the power came back.

August 13, 2004Old School Fun News
PrincessChibiAbobo is the new moderator. PrincessChibiAbobo will be able to restart, and ban members from the server. I haven't gone through the systems with PrincessChibiAbobo, so PrincessChibiAbobo might not be able to do anything yet. But hopefully soon PrincessChibiAbobo will be able to clean things up when I'm not around.

August 13, 2004Old School Fun News
I might still need another MOD for when cubeboy or PrincessChibiAbobo might not be around. But I'll keep everyone posted with that information if and when it becomes available.

August 13, 2004Old School Fun News
Maximum server limit increased to 50 users. The server now supports up to 50 simultaneuos users.

August 13, 2004Old School Fun News
I have successfully installed and tested a firewall which now gives me the ability to block users. If you have a user you would like to have blocked, e-mail them to cubeboy@cubeboy.com, and I'll check the log and get them banned if necessary.

August 12, 2004Old School Fun News
I'm starting to gather a lot of new information on the server crashing, I'm starting to get some concrete stuff to work with. As soon as I set up a working firewall, I'll be banning IP's that might be suspect. I'll keep everyone informed with my progress on this and all the people I ban.

August 12, 2004Old School Fun News
I'm working with getting another Firewall setup today, since the last Firewall wasn't working. So the server might be going down a couple of times today, so please be patient.

August 12, 2004Old School Fun News
I'm working with getting another Firewall setup today, since the last Firewall wasn't working. So the server might be going down a couple of times today, so please be patient.

August 9, 2004Old School Fun News
Its time to vote for a mod. Send e-mail to junkmail@cubeboy.com with name of the user that you think should be a mod. The vote will close sometime on Friday, and I'll post the result probably Monday. Without further ado, heres the list:
-= WonderlandDrug -X- =-

August 8, 2004Emulation News
Mame32 0.85 has been released!
Click here for more details.

August 8, 2004Emulation News
Mame 0.85 has been released!
Click here for more details.

August 3, 2004Old School Fun News
Added an anti-close and a no-enter program to my website. These programs are used in Kaillera and are supposed to prevent people from closing your games or even from entering in your game while it in action. Click here for more details, and click here to download the files.

August 3, 2004Old School Fun News
I've been receiving a lot of e-mails from members that want to be mods. I'll be posting a vote for the mod on Friday, with the results of the poll being revealed the following Wednesday. So you still have time to put your request in to be a mod, e-mail me at cubeboy@cubeboy.com if your interested.

August 3, 2004Cubeboy.com Website Updates
Added a files section to my website. Click here to check it out.

July 24, 2004Old School Fun News
I'm looking for a Moderator for the Old School Fun server. The duties of the moderator will be to restart the server remotely when it crashes, and to add people to the IP ban list. If you're interested e-mail me at cubeboy@cubeboy.com with your username on Kaillera and why you think you would be a good mod. And than I will hold a vote to determine the Mod.(Kinda like a reality show)

July 20, 2004Old School Fun News
Thanks to e-mails from the members on this server, I will be going through and banning a few members that might be causing the server to crash. Soon I will be posting a list of usernames that are going to be banned. Keep the e-mails coming, if you think someone might be crashing the server, than e-mail me.

July 16, 2004Old School Fun News
I'm entertaining the idea of a Admin for my Kaillera server. The only thing that server admin will be able to do is restart the Kaillera server when it goes off-line. Since I'm not really on the server, I want to give someone rights that can reset the server when it drops. I'm not 100% sure that I will give rights out yet, but if you're interested, than e-mail me.

July 16, 2004Old School Fun News
Sorry for the lack of updates lately, and the excessive server downtime. I've been busy this last week.

July 8, 2004Cubeboy.com Website Updates
Changed the layout in the My Game Servers section. Also added a server downtime section. Now you can see when and for how long the server went down.

July 6, 2004Old School Fun News
The server went down a few times over the long weekend. Thankfully I was able to remotely restore the server all weekend. I've logged a lot of information, so hopefully anytime soon I will be able to figure out who/what keeps locking up the server.

July 3, 2004Cubeboy.com Website Updates
I added a My Game Room section. In it you will find pictures of my game room at my home. I also added a picture of the server here.

July 2, 2004Old School Fun News
Looks like the server crashed again tonight. Luckily I was able to remotely re-start the server and get it up and running. Maybe next week I'll be able to go through the logs and ban IP's that are causing the server to crash. If anyone would like to help please e-mail me at cubeboy@cubeboy.com

July 2, 2004Old School Fun News
I think I might have found why the server keeps crashing. I believe that member/s are going exploiting glitches in the Kaillera server program that cause it to crash. I will be going through the logs and trying to find who is causing the server to crash. This might take some time because I don't know what to look for.

July 1, 2004Old School Fun News
Server went down last night, and again this morning. Unfortunately I have had no success restoring the server remotely, so if the server goes down after 5:00PM Central Standard Time, I probably won't be able to bring the server back until the next morning. I'm still working on a batch file that will re-launch the server when it drops. I will keep everyone informed.

June 30, 2004Old School Fun News
Unfortunately it appears that the script didn't work. The server went down last night about 12:30AM Central Standard time. I restored the server this morning around 8:30AM. I'm logging everything now, and I'm trying to talk with people to get things fixed. And I'll also be looking for suspicious activity. I'll keep everyone posted.

June 29, 2004Old School Fun News
Again with the help of Mystiq I have created a batch file that should be able to automatically launch Kaillera if the server crashes. I can't guarantee that the server still won't crash, but at least now with the hope of this new batch file, it should automatically start back up again if it does crash.

June 29, 2004Old School Fun News
Good news. With the help of Mystiq, I am now logging the Kaillera outputs. This will make it easier for me to try and figure out why the server keeps locking up. I also have the ability to ban spamming members. If a member is spamming in the server which is causing a slow down on the server, than please e-mail me and I will take appropriate action.

June 29, 2004Old School Fun News
The server went down again last night around midnight. From what I can tell, the server drops randomly when a member trys to leave a game multiple times. I noticed that each time the server locked up, the most recent outputs were the same member trying to leave a game 7 or 8 times. The bad news about this error is that the server crashes seems to be a problem with Kaillera. And I don't know how to code Kaillera, so it might be something we have to deal with. The good news is that I'm going to be working on a script that will restart the server everytime it crashes. I'll keep everyone posted.

June 28, 2004Old School Fun News
The server has dropped 3 times this morning. I'm starting to take screen shots when it crashes hoping that I can find some kind of pattern. But until than I dropped the maximum users to 32. I hope that this will help to keep the server up for at least a day or two before it crashes.

June 28, 2004Old School Fun News
I'm looking for help to resolve my current Kaillera crashing problems. If you think you can help please click on the My game servers link.

June 28, 2004Old School Fun News
The server crashed again this weekend on Saturday at about 6PM Central Standard Time. I still haven't been able to figure out what is causing it to crash. Unfortunately I wasn't able to restore the server remotely on Saturday. So it had to be restored on-site today. The server was resotred at about 8:30AM Central Standard Time.

June 25, 2004Old School Fun News
The server will be undergoing some maintenance. During this time the server might drop. Please be patient, I hope to resolve these problems soon.

June 25, 2004Old School Fun News
I am currently experiencing problems with the Kaillera server program. The program is randomly causing a windows error which forces me to close the program. This problem did exist when I only allowed 16 users max on the server. But it would only occur every 4 or 5 days. Now that I have incresed server capacity to 40 users max, it has happened twice in two days. I'm not sure exactly what is causing the problem, and I'm not sure how to fix the problem. If you see that the server is down, e-mail me at cubeboy@cubeboy.com and I will restart the server as soon as possible. I will keep everyone informed on this website when I find more things out.

June 23, 2004Old School Fun News
Maximum Kaillera users increased from 32 to 40. Old School Fun now supports a maximum of 40 users. The server was full again earlier, so I decided to increase the users from 32 to 40. Let me know if the server is too full and I'll increase the maximum users to 50.

June 22, 2004Old School Fun News
Maximum Kaillera users increased from 16 to 32. Old School Fun now supports a maximum of 32 users. I'm not sure what stress this will cause on the server. Please e-mail me at cubeboy@cubeboy.com if you notice the server is running slower than normal.

September 9, 2003General Server News
Game server is on-line! My game server IP is My game server has the potential to run Kaillera, Quake 3, and Soldier of Fortune 2. For More info and to see what servers are on-line click Here.